Illustrator Drawoff: Chapter One

The Judy Black Box 1000 SW Broadway, Portland, OR, United States

Picture book and middle grade illustrators face off in a live drawing competition. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry with laughter, you’ll cheer as Cátia Chien, Charise Mericle Harper, Pedro Martín, Nikkolas Smith, and Zachary Sterling face off at the drawing easel. Host Jonathan Hill

Family Misadventure: Pedro Martín & Zachary Sterling

The Judy Cinema 1000 SW Broadway, Portland, OR, United States

Pedro Martín's unforgettable graphic memoir is about a Mexican-American boy’s family and their adventure-filled road trip to bring their abuelito back from Mexico to live with them. Zachary Sterling's graphic novel is about first-generation Filipino siblings who have to fine out if they can save the world and still work their family food truck. Moderated by Aron Nels Steinke.